Find True Peace & Love with Us (9)

As a Christian, I sometimes grapple with the notion that relying on God is a very passive act, as it involves waiting for God’s timing and discerning His will as if nothing should be done without Jesus’ intervention. If Jesus intervenes, it’s God’s will, and there seems to be no need for human action. As someone eager to serve the Lord, I often encounter criticism that what I do isn’t God’s will and is bound to fail.

Studying the Book of Nehemiah inspires me—it’s about how Nehemiah confirmed and received God’s will. He took the initiative to work for God and prayed for God’s use. After receiving God’s permission and resources, Nehemiah proactively surveyed Jerusalem to understand what work was needed to repair the broken walls.

Taking initiative is a precious gift from God, a manifestation of free will. God wants us to make the right choices actively and to serve and give willingly. Without the initiative like Nehemiah’s, I would lack the foundation to love Jesus Christ because love is not passive, nor is it imposed. It comes from within.

Nehemiah actively loved God, and God responded to his initiative. But not everyone understood that Nehemiah’s actions were divinely blessed. Critics, either enemies of Israel or voices within Israel itself, faulted Nehemiah because they didn’t recognize that his initiative was moved by the Holy Spirit, aligned with the heart of Jesus Christ.

Therefore, when Nehemiah attempted to rally the Israelites to rebuild Jerusalem’s walls, he faced much hostility. Tobiah even mocked that a fox could knock down the wall Nehemiah sought to build (Nehemiah 4:2-3). Nonetheless, Nehemiah faced these challenges with strength from Jesus and ultimately triumphed, overcoming malice and witnessing the entire process of Jerusalem’s wall restoration. In this process, Nehemiah had to continually remind himself and pray without ceasing. Apart from himself and a few companions like Ezra, no one else realized the connection between rebuilding the walls and revitalizing the faith of the Israelites.

It wasn’t until the faith of the Israelites was revived that everyone realized Nehemiah had been accompanied by Jesus from the start. Hence, Nehemiah had to endure a time of being misunderstood and alone. Yet, relying on Jesus, he found inner peace and persisted in his proactive love.

We warmly invite you to come to the True Jesus Church’s bi-annual Evangelical Service and Spiritual Convocation.  See details below.

18-21 April, 2024 Evangelical Service and Spiritual Convocation

Thursday, 18 April, 2024 6:50PM to 8:10PM
Friday and Saturday, 19-20 April, 2024 9:00AM to 8:10PM
Sunday, 21 April, 2024 9:00AM to 1:00PM
Complimentary lunch and dinner will be served.

Please find our church location below:

4N550 Church Road
Bensenville, IL 60106
 Google Maps

For online streaming, please click here.

For regular service hours, please click here.

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In “Learn to Love as Jesus Loves,” I delve into the sacrificial nature of divine love exemplified by Christ’s ultimate sacrifice. I discuss how true love calls for selflessness and laying down our lives for others, just as Jesus did for humanity. This exploration reveals that by caring for those in need and loving without expecting return, we fulfill Christ’s command and embody the essence of His teachings in our lives. Through loving as Christ loves, we experience the depth of God’s love and invite others into His grace.

In the essay “Loving God, by Keeping His Commandments,” I explore the transforming power of God’s love in my faith journey. It’s this divine love that beckons me to live for Him and guides me through life’s adversities, encouraging me to seek His presence in challenging times. Amidst today’s cultural disregard for divine laws, I find true connection with God through obedience to His commandments, a testament to the liberating essence of His unwavering love.

In “Refined by His Love: The Purpose of God’s Chastisement,” I explore the loving discipline of God and its role in shaping our faith. I understand that the sufferings from our disobedience are not merely punitive but are transformative, intended to bring us closer to God’s holiness. Through biblical examples like those of Habakkuk and Job, I recognize the higher purposes behind our trials and the blessing of enduring in faith, which ultimately strengthens our relationship with God and molds us according to His divine will.